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Maybe we can live in the suburbs
Maybe we can live in a fortress
Maybe we escape the evils of big city life
Maybe we can put a for sale sign on ur toe
And I'll bite your painted toe nail
I'll just hang there like a doding bandaid
Licking and sucking away on your toe
And I can retire from the rent we collect
From your foot but nobody has to know
I just want to suck on your big toe
I just want to lick on your big toe
Everytime you get angry and decide to wear a sock- I'll unpeel it let my mouth go 
Where it wants to go- I'll just not stop...
I want to swallow your energy, your wisdom, a big toe is a big fat cock...
I'm not ready yet.. so go put on your flip flops. And I'm ready I'll stroke it with a feather touch my body owns your foot stomp. Step to me.. can't you see your big toe is your big fat cock ... It's mine and everybody can watch me deep throat it.
Big fat toes mean a big fat cock.

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