The music stopped....

The music pounded and surged relentlessly. Peter felt at home in an ocean of supple mink, and chinchilla furs, pearls, and diamonds, and costume jewelry. Ofcourse there were those wearing cheapidy and fox fur. With the stench of cigarette burning the hairs. And as everyone was moving to the rhythm like one beast. It suddenly came to end with the shots of gun fire. You could see everyone rushing and racing screaming to leave. Handbags, glitter, and baubles left behind. Thugs and dapper gents with pistols moving tactically from one side of the havoc ridden night club to the other. Watching them it almost seemed like ballet or a boxing match, as they glided across the floor. It brought memories of basketball games Peter went to in his youth. And the culprits were found. It was the police trying to get everyone out of there. It seems no place is safe. And as much as the police is there to serve and protect. It seems like they have something against us "freaks". The fags, the bitches, the boys that look like bitches, and everyone different from them. It turned out the officer that fired the shot was a sugar daddy of Patrice Can't Tell.
She has promised him head that night.
And he saw her with another guy. Her backup dancer. The officer, David Henderson shot Emilio Gonzalez the back up dancer. The club manager called the police. And as usual they covered up everything nicely with a bow and Patrice was arrested for the murder of Emilio and possession of a fire arm. Patrice always dreamed of being an actress. But as the music stopped and Patrice was ushered away Peter realized he too wouldn't become an actor or a model or singer/ dancer. For all his beloved things had a stain of blood. And the music started again as they left. And then Javier the DJ  stopped the music. The videos stopped playing on the screens. And the DQ stood silently as he wept for Patrice. Javier Philippe was Peter's boyfriend and Patrice's producer. DQ is short for drag queen. And Peter was DQ and now an accused murderer. Javier discussed the judgement towards people who are left from center. And said everyone had to go because he needs to bailout Patrice aka Peter. He did and Peter was released from jail. And David Henderson made a threat to Javi as they were leaving. Where Peter said, "My real husband came and saved my life." " He didn't leave me here to rot and die!" "I may never strike it big but Emilio had so much talent, so much life in this little world we all live in. I will never forgive you." "It's your word against mine sweet heart," Officer Henderson responded. They left and went home and the next morning Peter and Javier were both found dead in their apartment.
That was the day the music stopped.

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