No guns allowed

No guns allowed
I am spirited and I'm proud 
I have found they try to take your rights away for this gun fire and crime everyday
But there is a problem there is no safe space no safe haven no safe zone
And no one knows where to go
Do you want an armed society
Do you want a controlled environment
Do you want more tragedy
Life or death isn't freedom
God given rights casually elude us
What to do isn't black or white
Or boy or girl
So many boys and girls
Have lost the fight to a gun
But you have the right to protect yourself
Where is the freedom they speak of
Is no more guns allowed really the answer
Why all the fight
Even the ones who call for gun control
Own a gun- they already own one
They should no longer be allowed to own on- no more allowed....
The country says I giveth and I taketh away- you fight bicker and argue all day
And be your Rainbow Rambo fantasy fey
No guns allowed
You won't say it
Neither will eye
But if someone wants to kill you
They would just stick a knife in your eye
And cut your head off and stab you repeatedly anyway
No more knives
But no more guns is easier to say

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