My rape

I have an aversion to masks
My rapist wore a mask
And there again I am in the room
With the chains and rope, chainsaw,
And coils he would use to frighten me
No one could hear my screams
And yes it's like a bad dream
A nightmare where no one could see me
Or hear me only him
He called me his precious little faggot
And little names I vomited because of it
We all do wear a veil sometimes
in-between the person and ourselves
It's like a barrier and sheen
A defense we always have up
A guard- not avante gaurde
But I've grown tired and restless
I tell myself I was never raped
So I can face the day
And sometimes I cry
It gives me bad memories
I was so scared at night
As the chain saw roared and cut through 
The dentist chair he had
And the chains on my body were so heavy
And coils inserted inside me
I bleed rivers
I still cry
But I won't let him win
I'll own my sexuality
I've turned into a virgin then whore
Then celebate person then normal 
Happy go lucky male
But I always do remember 
When I was that frail
I got raped 
So what
He wore an animal mask
Probably worshipping the devil
As he cut into me and burned me
But I realized and discovered
I have the power
I hold the key 
God still does love me
If he didn't I wouldn't be doing better
I'd still find a way to blame myself
And me or I can't take it
I'm a guy who does deserve the finest
The grandest and to me that is 
Love peace and comfort
My rape-so what!
No one deserves it!

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