
There are times when I feel depleted 
Of all kinds of energy
And I have been sleep deprived 
With nothing eat 
Infront of me
I went from stone cold fox
To saggy potato dad bod
I went from Adonis
To Oscar Meyer baloney
I went from Neimans and Saks
To Walmart and Meijer trips
To console me 
Looking for book
Looking for a mug
Looking like a fool
Looking a mess from the mirror I see 
Up above
Sigh as I wake up 
Stretch my limbs towards you
I cry as I make up my bed 
I'm only torn in two
The life that could have been as mine
The life that could have been for me
I try to rest my head again
My head is pounding like the feet 
Of a mule
Donkey or some kind of village beast
I sigh and I decide to take a pill or two
Maybe I'll wake up after rest
And get me on my feet 
That are like a mule

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