Life (is bittersweet)

Life is bitter sweet/ Life is a circle/
We go round and round/ Only to begin mysteriously/ And never finish what we started/ And our only legacy is I'd we were kind/ To a neighbor or to our mother and father/ And how much paper did you collect/ That quarter/ Hand held open for a penny/ Or sleeping under newspaper/ Hungry/ Looking for dinner/ Will you be the winner/ Of the rat race/ Or will you use your daddy's plastic/ To buy yourself a fantastic new home and car/ Meeting models at bars/ Poppin bottles/ And Dreaming of Stars/ Ambitious much/
You can't even afford ground chuck/
Let alone sirloin/ Let alone a filet mignon/
You can't afford your ice and frost/ That carry/ And what is scary/ You can't even afford the frostiness and blaze attitude/
You got too much riding on this/ So let go of your attitude and your Hate/ I always used to say right along with them "Don't Hate- Fornicate!"/ But this is useless on you/ What are you in the bigger picture/ In your small little life/ And your connection to life/ And your master/ Life is bittersweet/ And always remember/ To be/ To be kind

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