King of sorrow

Whenever you go out on out there
You are happily married and you are
Pretending to be the only king of sorrow
And you happen to be such a sleaze
You seem to think you're me and...
You only waste your time in seedy joints
And the crooked chics follow you inside
When will you learn this is unfair to the Others in your life... Perhaps your wife and kids want to go outside for some time.
Have some fun. Enjoy the sunshine.
Than being cooped up in that house..
Respect should be mutual 
And She isn't happy cleaning 
And raising your kids, cleaning chickens
While you take your time at the motel..
Hopelessly searching for a way to change your life! You can do your thang with your misses, but dontforget you got children and a wife! How long can you waste your time? Being a hoodlum, a jerk, a sleaze...
Bum ba da da bah bum bum-
You are a bum....
You are the king of sorrow!
Your infidelity makes you weak! 

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