
You can be the cradle of sanity/ You can be the C.E.O./ Of a Fortune Five Hundred company/ You can have your stocks and bonds/ And dividends and relationships/ Between your investments and trust fund/
It doesn't matter if you're poor and hungry/
Doesn't matter if u work every day & night/
It doesn't matter if you have a family/
It doesn't matter if your wealthy/ Beyond your wildest dreams/ And you count your blessings at night/ Everything you do comes back to you/ Everything somebody gives you/ Goes back to them/ Everything you give or you take finds it's rightful place/In the laws of cause and effect/ And karma/ it doesn't matter/ It always comes right back to you/ You should be afraid to know the inconvient truth/It doesn't matter/ Karma always comes for you
What you give you shall receive/ What you did always comes back to me/ For I started this roller coaster to perceive/ 
Grander grandiose notions/ Of what is meant to be/ It doesn't matter/ Karma will come for me and you as well...That is a gaurantee. You can pretend on the sound stage/ You can make believe on the mic/
You can pretend on the bullhorn/ You can make believe at night but Karma is coming for you as it will for me. That is gaurantee!

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