It's over now

See I have been going through so much
Of what you have been through 
I finally understand what it's like for you
It's certainly a shame it's over now
It's over now I must take a bow
The actress hasn't heard the lines 
You'd like to hear far from them
I can't recite the words you'd like to hear
It's over wow I can face it like a bull Charging towards my cape and I go drift
Towards the arena stands and wrap my 
Thighs over your neck.. it's always better To take the bull by the horns but your bull shit I can't stand anymore- Who am I to u?
The little actress that stood for a comedy of bloopers till I could breathe no more
Until I take my last breathe Argentine 
I will replenish my soul refined
I will stand on the balcony
Address my people honestly
And I will retire for death to take me 
Peacefully... For the actress hasn't heard the lines you'd like to hear... It isn't the time
It's over now. It's over wow
I must take a bow. 

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