Heavenly Father

I seem to miss you Heavenly Father
You're never absent 
Although you're miles away
My nights grew longer than the day
And I decide to pray
Until one day it happened 
You sent a sign for me to see 
I thank you that you care 
And might even love me
I want to thank you Heavenly Father
You are the reason that I live and breathe
Everything I give you 
Always comes back to me
You are my everything
So I will praise you till I am deceased
Till my bones break down
And I'm gasping for air
I'll say a pray for you to forgive me 
And send your love to me 
I want to praise you Heavenly Father
I want to do it endlessly
It is an endless love
A perfect love 
For every human being
That although we do have our free will
He has a plan for you and me
It is our destiny to meet our creator
And that's alright with me

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