God made me

If you were to go to the mountain top..
You would find me meditating in a cross-
Legged position with incense burning...
Doing my cross and folding my arms 
Towards the sky praising my Lord and Savior and the lotus flower from the garden and the lily and the rose and chrysanthemum that wear as a kind of armor and I'm not knife or sword weilding
I'm not sure of my writ or even my prose
I just know what I know....
And that is much of nothing...
Only that Jesus is my Lord and Savior...
And God made me to know....
If you were to climb down to the bottom of the mountain you would see again praying
That he shield me with clothes after being to the top I am so cold and not rather bold.. I scars from the thorns of the flowers much like the crown of thorns Jesus had to wear for us and God made me to endure this and made me to know.

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