Fuck you!

You can't have a sexuality and be religious
You have to do what you're told
You can't be a pretty boy
You need to be a man 
Strong and so firm
You can't buy pretty things
And wear them boldly 
I have been told
Clothes don't man
Fashion is what is 
The don't make you
And here is the problem with this
We all need to take account for ourselves
And express ourselves in whateva fashion
We decide suits us- the suit may not be for you and that's what screws us...
I'm not much of a rebel heart
I wear my suit and tie 
My sunglasses my bag & my oxford shoes
Derby and sneakers oh my
I wear sleeveless and mesh 
And sequins and embroidery 
And appliques and things
But besides that don't know where I belong
Under the spotlight or in a zoo
In the circus or in a museum or two
I don't know where I belong
I'm more of a people pleasing person
But I have given too much
The nice guy finishes last
So I stopped giving a fuck
Of what they think
And what might of been
What's appropriate
After all they left me for dead
I don't fear what's next
I don't have much time for mess
I don't give a fuck any longer
My cock is massive and butt J'adore
My ass isn't complaining
It's opened many doors
But I get called a whore
How much can I go through
If you cared you'd simply say a mere hey
Hello hi how the hell are you
But you don't
And I'm not 
But if I was your boy
Your guy
The one you confide in too
I wouldn't be an abomination
Or heathen you wouldn't have scorn
Or hated towards me.
I'd be a guy like another 
Just one with more feathers and glitz
Seems funny that I'm punk rock
With furs and feather boas and glitter
And make up.. I guess I'm more glam rock
Than bdsm and adult entertainment
I'm more street than hip-hop
More club than street and that's how I do it
But where do I belong you say I know where so I just say screw it - fuck you! 
I stopped giving a fuck, my friend
So good luck to you! "Faggotronica"
Sticks and stones may break my bones,
But your names will never hurt.

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