Forget about me

I prefer to go back to simpler wants 
& needs/ Days of old and thunder/ rain storms/ and rainbows/ yellow brick roads/
And Harry Potter/ No diamonds needed for me/ And no blunders/ I have been a fool/ caught up in pretty pictures/ and foolish to be a comedic fodder for you/
But that's not me/ you have accused me of vicious things/ you have been so malicious and evil and contrived/ I don't have to curry favor to anyone I despise/
I'm a man of action and many plans/
I have my sights to sky and I travel the roads open wide/ I sleep comfortably because I know I'm kind/ when you can say the same as me and you have earned a trip in my shoes then you can talk about me/ You'll probably mock me/ tease me till I bleed/ throw stone and I'll burn to ashes/
Tombstones/ then I'll be buried off at sea/
I've been sailor and mermaid cocktailed mix and given many cigarette kisses to many mrs.'s misters. And I'm not complaining. You can talk about me. I'm far from perfect but one day you'll forget about me. You'll go to ocean, you'll go the lake. One day you'll make a mistake and forget about me.

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