fame game

You can play your fame game.
You can wish to be a star.
You can play the blame game.
Why haven't you come very far?
To risk is to bloom...
Like the bud of a flower..
No showers of gold and accolades-
But who is holding count?
Count Dracula?
Count Chocolah?
But here is where you have your doubts..
What can you do besides the commercial?
The fragrance ad?
The ramshackle interior design?
And inferior styling?
We all hear about!
To risk is to bloom....
And that is what it is all about...
Can you draw from your interests?
And create something new?
Can you draw from your experience?
And do something that isn't comfortable?
For you are sponge with no thoughts 
Or ideas of your own and everything u do
Is lackluster- You don't deserve showers of gold! 

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