
I'll wait for my existence to be free
I'll fight for every inch and mile 
I get it
So twisted
I left my consciousness 
At your doorstep 
I think I'll go for a walk 
In the twelve dimension
Till I get it
Back to me
I'll wait for my existence to be free
In these shackles 
Dorment in my mind
Ever so presently 
Holding me
As I confide in you
For my existence to be free
I guess I'll wait for my existence to be free
I guess I'll hide my desires till I'm free
I guess I'll try to die another day
I guess I find another way to live
I'll wait till my existence is free
And my consciousness returns to me
I'll walk in clouds above it all
Oh wow I'm on a cloud right now 
Till I'm not found at the strip mall
I don't want this suburban life 
Of mediocrity so I guess I'll twerk
On a social app reveal my weakness 
And my ass
I'll reveal a layer or two
I'll wait for my existence to be free

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