
You spend your time being two faced/
Like a coin/ Flipped upside down/
And you turn around/ And betray me/
Well you been hanging 'round/ To see why 
I frown and cry/ Until I affix my crown/ And my wig/ Understood/ I wish you did/
But you've been fooling 'round/ I've got news for you/ I've found someone to replace you/ And I think your crazy/ I think you're lazy/ Just like me/ But we will never do/ Give me back the paradise that I lost for good/ Give me back my crazy life/ of wax figures/ and gaunt features/ We don't do/ I've misused my talents for gain/I can't fall in love again/ I can't use this profraine ass language/ We don't do/ I think u crazy/
More than lazy/ Just like me/ we don't do/ we never did.

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