American Life

The ice caps are melting
The frost is at your nose
The glaciers are melting
The jungles welcome the cold
Polluted water
Treated water
Don't sip on it
Only heaven knows what they've  done to it
Where it once was hot it is now cold
And you can welcome the heat 
But do you use clean energy
Where it there were no earthquake 
There are some now and tornados
Hurricanes and storms beyond belief
And wild fires that kills animals
And elderly grappling with defeat
And children marching on the streets
But you don't pay them no mind
For they don't know what r how they speak
Metaphysic quips and jokes 
This isotope shit is dope
This American life is not for me
This modern life is not for me
This ignorance towards climate control
I'd rather move to somewhere warm 
And not humid and dip my toe
In a pool and the sand
That's the best for you and me
This American life is not for me 

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