What about that? Why don't you?

Isn't it about time that we had a cure for all
The diseases we suffer from..... Isn't about
Time we cared for more than our selves and the bottom line. What about that?
You can treat someone with a sniff as though they were a leper but big pharmaceutical companies making coins as they hold leverage on your life. And eating shit and dying is a preference..
So do what is right and give people a cure.. I'm sure as sure can be these diseases have affected people in government Hollywood and city streets suburbs and blocks. What about that.
Why don't you give it all that you got.
And doctors and nurses can cure us with what is available to them. But as anyone knows anyone who suffers and can barely stand up. We're all fed up from cold and flus and vaccine realness and common Aids and cancer and strep throat and spots on your dick you need to heal this 
Quickly for the world can not suffer quite like this. I imagine you would but you're counting your money and we're all fed up.
What about that? Why don't you give it all.that you got? 

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