The law of the land

They will first try to tell you
That Lucifer is a somewhat amiable guy
Who is misunderstood
Who will try to reconcile with his father
Our holy father and this thought must die in your mind... Let me tell you about love..
Let me tell you about lies...
Let them know you have had enough
Of this Truman showesque monopoly
Of games. They surmised that we are sheep without a Shepard so anything they tell us we believe In God we trust and everything is a lie you may wonder why people get a gun you may wonder why people are all fed up. They call for Revolution to the Patriots and then they spit in your eyes. When they die. I hope it was as good for you as it was for me.This is the end of the lies and the skies. The end of the world. But we can survive if we get it right or left from center and we join hands and put our faith in our savior.
That's the law of the land.

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