Hot Gossip

Orchard groves and cemeteries
Apples and worms and peaches 
Laying in the dirt
I don't know where to go
I'm spinning around till I fall
Head first to the oblivion
I don't want a world of chaos
But that is all I found
But I assume I've created chaos
And I apologize to you
Please forgive me
I'm on knees praying to you
I can hardly breathe 
And I'm asking you 
To throw me a bone
I'm not looking for riches
I don't know if I'll vacation
Or become his Mrs.
I'll be fine on my own
I'll keep it to my grave
There is no story I've told
And it's the tale from the crypt
I'm not looking for anything
And I'll tell you this quick
It's the tale from your crypt
Even my own
There's nothing to say
It's best that you leave this alone
I'm not the "It"
I'm not a god or a goddess
Neither are you
I tease you because I love you
But you won't succeed if you gossip

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