Greater Man

I'm not on a crusade to prove anything...
You don't need to prove anything to me... 
Yeah... I don't need honesty or a dose...
Of reality Oh...I don't need a vacation.. 
Or new place to go... I don't need...
A hook up... I don't need a one night stand... I don't need love connection...
Or matrimony.... Or husband and kids...
Yeah... I need my solitude and a bit...
of peace and my belief in A Greater Man...
A Greater plan for me and my family...
A greater thing to me is my resting, 
And doing much of nothing...
And in my moments of weakness... 
A bit of honest prayer...
I will overcome...
This will all subside...
I have faith in a greater man
A greater plan for me and my family
I won't let go of
Of my Greater Man ❤️

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