Facts and stuff

The sweetest of people can break
When you assume there is something 
Wrong with them for their nature
And you deem the bizarre or weird
The truth is we all are in our way
Patience love and understanding
Kindness you don't see it on the news
Because they want you consumed 
With Covid air and vaccines
And who is fooling who
If a crazy person has to tell you
That is all a game
It's all the same shit
Anyway you slice or dice it
Better to be independent
Than in a convelescant home
With no conversations
And we should know from Marilyn
Who was either murdered 
Or choking on barbiturates
And we are being marketed to and victims
To the machine grande Hollywood
Big pharma and the government machine

But I'm here to tell you
They just won't quit
They don't stop
And I'm a "crazy" person 
Who hears voices
That never stop
And you can be fortunate
I've had good fortune 
And designer this or that
I've had mad amount of lovers
And quarells and spats
But you should love and treasure 
Cherish your mother and parents
Family for it is gold
Ignore all the haters
And fuck them
And what you have been told
You can't ignore facts 
And matter of fact
You should on pray 
To the Almighty Saviour
He died for you
For you to live
But you ignore that
You ignore facts

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