Constitution Construct

You can say that science defeats the purpose of God. And that is your belief.
I don't try to change it or persuade you.
You can say that I believe in love and God and that is my constitution. I am free to wander this life and feel content. I feel so blessed. You don't have to try to teach me.
I accept you for who you are. Don't try to miseducate me. You can anything. I won't change my mind. I won't give up this time.
I won't give in to the devil or sell my soul.
I will be alone and happy and comforted by my family and that is what is gold.
That is my constitution. That is the way the story goes. And if I die on this judgement day. And if I cry I repented for my sins. The Lord will take me to his chest and tell me I've been good or bad or righteous or flamboyant. Or misunderstood or evil and or damned.
I will accept my fate for that is what God has planned.

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