
I hear these voices haunting me....
Very succinct and acutely stunning me..
Hunting me where ever I turn my body to sleep.... I hear these voices haunting me...
You left me for dead and tried to help me before you left.. And I was always more mature than this. Didn't contemplate what things mean to me...Didn't have many opinions on how people live their life their social status. The social ladder - I did not climb! And I was fine with all of this but I thought some people were true. I carried around so much baggage but that can be anyone there is no point or use to play victim. But I had hoped someone would be true. I don't need to hear the truth. I don't need an amenity. I just was comfort and peace in this age and if love finds me I will cherish it. But it may elude me and I must be somewhat of an embarrassment. But I am true. I isn't perfect but I am astute.
And somewhat stoic at times behind my silly little rhymes of fiction and fantasy.
I always hoped I'd have a family but I don't want to raise kids. I don't want to be responsible. I don't want to put another before me and or myself. I only place the Lord and my maker above my self. And selfishly I can say there are times I can also be selfless but then again I return to my senses and fashion magazines. And then I want material things. It's the world we all love it. What fun. No one wants a hand me down... there are times I do.
Nobody's perfect. And then there are times I get super schitzo paranoid I have no theories though I guess I deserve it.

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