Baby Talk

As I take one tiny puff of a cigarette
And ponder life's most important queries
And I sit on my throne... I wonder...
Where this all started......
And get to my impossible theories....
Is it an eye for an eye.... 
For which I cannot stand....
Is it of plantation lullaby...
And whips and shackles...
And grit, grits, and tireless jokes
At our expense mocking and emulation
Of the great ones and Greek people
Eating a cake pop...
As they spin on a gyro spit
But I don't want an arranged marriage
I don't want a pseudo relationship
I'm not looking for something
I'm content with things that I have
And my mental faculties have returned
To me quickly
I quit as I sip on my Nestle 
And Hershey's milk
I begin to stop pondering by all of it
And I sit back on my throne
And I admit I am a baby 
And boy, I've grown old
So - what's the point of this?
Please let go and I will go where the wind Takes me I will.embrace my flaws and and all of yours with no judgement 
But remember no one can replace me
And I am sure it 
No I don't want you 
And you can eat it and die
I hope you like what you fell into
The smell of shit smothering her thigh
I don't get into scat not even jazz 
Call me to that kind of groove
I've done it all I have nothing left 
To prove 
I've done everything 
And as I take a sip of my corn liquor
You can choke on your own vile bile n shit
I've had quite enough of it
I believe one day the Almighty One 
Will have his way and his say
How you were in a hurry to keep towards
Evolution and progress 
All so you can have your own way
But the world will continue
And the sun will burn bright every day 

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