Amazing Self

Not going to wait till I'm lying on the floor
In a pool of blood and sin with all this shit
You put me thru and wait for it
To evaporate and wait for cake to be brought in like it's my birthday to feel amazing- I need to clean myself off 
And pull off my best version of myself 
To exist within I can apologize for all I did
But that would be amazing 
Not gonna cry wolf or live in my shattered past or condemn the acts of foolish beings- I'm not gonna judge the things that I cannot stand and yes I'm not complaining- I need to clean my self off
And now that would be amazing
Not gonna wait till I'm on the floor 
To drown in a puddle of mess with a life of regrets I'm gonna help myself and I won't complain Now that for me is amazing
Im not gonna say I don't apologize
I'm not gonna say I don't recognize
What you done I can say you truly are amazing and I'm not complaining
I'm just living my life- my mind isn't racing
I'm cleaning myself off and I feel amazing.

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