We all are crazy!!!!!

We live in a world today of more inclusion and unconventional thought. We live in a world with White parents with Black children and we owe this to Lady Josephine Baker. We live in a world where homemakers and housewives are getting jobs and now Chief Executive Officers.
We live in a world with kids coming to blows with cops. And gunfire. And mass murder. And even genocide. You can't even confide in your neighbor. This is not the childhood story I read or heard in my bed. But we can do better. And the rest is better unsaid. Once we realize we all are crazy!!! Insanity is defined by history repeating itself. Well, I have news for you- with all your accusations and we've had enough. There is no more conversation. No land line telephone. No dialogue. No letter writing. No love notes.
No other side of the story. Even when everything is smeared and blurry. Just opinions. Your view. And that is that. And I've had enough. Excuse me while I scratch my kat. We've all gone crazy. Students raping their teachers. And circurmsized monks and preachers feeding parking meters and there's no parking for them at the church. They speak their mind. They're not welcome. Preach from the gospel. And every body gets butt hurt. What happened to value and merit before you just don't like someone. So, you just disparage it. And here you come.... You just follow trends. When will this all cease to exist. When will this all end. We've all gone crazy! People without food and clothes. We live in the age of terminal disease.
Besides the ever rampant "social", and no cure from the pharmaceutical companies. Just to make a dollar. We get on our knees. And plead and beg. We've all gone crazy. So think to yourself is this what you want to leave to the kids. To all the babies. A world of no facts and beliefs. And truth and justice. Or Love. Just tolerance and maybe a fashion show with U.F.O.'s flying over head. We all are crazy! And no opinions of your own in your tiny peanut head. J'adore Amore is my mantra, but all you think about is what you gotta have. The world has gone mad. We all are crazy! 

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