The human race is not about color

This month is black history month. Don't let others erase your history and culture. Greek people taught their language and history under enslavement in the sand and on cave walls. For every person who has felt the power of someone's heel on your throat. Remember don't give up. Every single life in the universe matters. And keep yo head and chin up! Bop your head to a good tune. Dance the shimmy. Or a waltz. And you definitely matter to me. Enjoy and celebrate with family. Make your money expand the empire. And remember to keep it classy and tactful.when you can. Others don't get it or understand what it's like for people left of center. They'll never get it. All they do is just get mad. But we have also become too furious. And without purpose now. We must try to allow joy to enter and be welcome in our lives. And for us to truly be equal we must stop dwelling on the past and previous divides. Everything now is a state of emergency with blurred colored lines. We must not live in the past. We acknowledge for everything that has been done. But we can't go back to slavery. When the West was already won. We are all not John Wayne or Shaniqua and Tabehdouda or Nèné. We all work doing something and someone waits till it's payday. We must coalesce and unite and join forces for a better world. The human race is not about color. And that's what you can tell your girl. Boy. Or tell them how you feel living in this world.

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