Psalm of The Last Theoduolou

I have a few things to say...
One day the guilt will eat you up alive...
The words you speak and things you do...
Will fester up inside and create a pit....
Of sorrow and your procreations are not....
Your only legacy... It is the way you treat people and you can take that from me....
Is too hard to be gracious& kind to the one person, who is there for every single one?.. We all are have secrets... But I truly don't... I wear my heart on my sleeve... I loved you the most....One day my heart will truly say... Get away from me.... I hope it easier done than said... Really dumb and numb cold, vicious people; with negativity are so running rampant, everywhere I go....
So here is the day... I'll make a choice of my own; for my own independence, and a place I can call home.... And to live comfortably.... And most importantly for my soul. Get away from me! I'd rather be with people that treat me; like I have something to offer in conversations, and relationships; And their generosity spill all over me....That is decency and close to perfect...Maybe I'll forgive you... I'm not the only one... I've learned not to judge...
And take anything for granted... But your actions speak louder than words, and I just can not stand it... Get away from me... Think before you speak.... When you think of me... I'll be the one with roots in the ground... And in the earth... And I have found in creation...
Goodbye is so powerful... So is hello....
Didn't you know.... You're not only one...
All I can do is hope one day you'll see the light... So for now I guess we done....
I'm not passive aggressive or indecisive...
I have my own way.... And today is the day... Get away from me... Think before you speak... Use your mind and your heart to do something that matters to you....
Maybe it will matter me... I guess we are done...We are through.... That's the way it must be!?! Maybe we will see a happy ending.... Maybe I'll see your point of view...but I wanted to share my truth...
We can just revel... It doesn't have to be something to think about...
Like more complicated than ever before, and more complex than my other styles of writing...
Multi faceted. I wanted to try something new- I hope I succeed. I just finally wanted to share my truth. The fact I hear voices doesn't matter to me... I could always loose my hearing...
And have nothing to listen to... You could always say I've been unlucky in love, but I have, atleast; felt love, not just you! I felt the grace of God and his mercy... I've come close to perfect that I have never strived for because there is no such thing.. just the roots of mine in the earth. I hope one day you have the same breakthrough. Just learn to create! Feel love and peace in your heart.... When we are apart.... Get away from me! It just dawned upon me... We all worship God... We all worship like and confuse it with love- that is the devil...
I'm not the only one as you can see. Pray to God. Pray to God's only son. 

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