Let freedom ring

Let freedom ring
Let all your brothers and sisters sing
Let go of your beliefs and your hypocrisy
Let freedom ring

Let God take control
Let Jesus and Mother Mary heal your soul
Just stand back when you see it's coming
The answer to your prayer comes 
In the form of something you lack

It could be foresight
It could a vision
It could be a feeling
It could be a lesson

Let freedom ring
Let all the boys and girls sing
Let peace be your state of mind
Let all the pain and anger subside

Hatred is such an ugly thing
A person's cathartic stance 
Should be embraced
We all are nothing much but fakery
And deception has been the first and last
Thing we listen to
The world has gone mad

Let freedom ring
Your loyalty and bond in faith
Of a more pure good decision
The one of a nation's hope 
Of love for God
We can leave jokes behind of life on Mars

We must connect to a deeper science
And that is freedom of will
And self control and lessons 
That prove your worth to the Almighty
These are the words I live by
Let freedom ring
And remember to love the big guy

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