Change in the world

I am the change I want to see
In the world
I am the same old person I once was
So lost and and out of control

I am the change I want to be 
All alone
And think about my actions
I don't owe you anything

I have proclaimed fuck you
I have my own love profusion-
Profusely growing and living
Inside of me

It's like a little light
That you can only see

I am the change in the world 
And that's fine by me

You can claim I'm indifferent to conflict
But I have found peace

You can claim I'm not profound 
And I merely emote

You claim to your pastor
I'm am evil

But I am growing

I need to see the world and what it's like
I need to see me struggle

I need to feel the hunger and thirst
And pay bills due the first of the month

I am the change in the world
My growth come from love 
To the energy above myself
My growth comes from love

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