What you lack

What is your destiny?
To sour grape about the past-
What is the calamity?
That has you broken-
Lying on your back-
Which is your lipstick color?
You don't have any business-
I can't give you what you lack-
You think it's weird and creepy-
And emotionally heavy-
You don't ask bout the man-
With no legs trying to live-
Beyond his circumstance-
You don't mean much to me-
And what you think is all you have-
On second thought...
You mean plenty to me-
But I can't give you what you lack-
You lack the foresight and you will see-
I was right at the end-
And the story will start-
As it's being written on your back-
Of what you lack- you're way off track-
And off base-
The remains of the day-
Is a picture of your face-
You will only agree or disagree-
With yourself and the many comments- 
You will hear-
You can't acquire what you lack-
The only thing that remains 
Is when you were cruel to what's his name
And all that stands is life tattooed 
On your back

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