
You have an issue with everything I do.
You never look at yourself and contemplate what to do. You never speak and turn the cheek. You're full of lies and your usual venom- You never do the right thing. You're a hipocrite. You're full other people's opinion. You're oblivious to all the things you say. You think you have the right to express yourself at the cost of others. You're just a snake- you are a fake. You are a little late. But everything you state as fact is just your venom. And I know just what to do and that is ignore you.

You can make dinner and breakfast. You can even bake a pie. You can watch the real housewives emote about guys. Fight over their clothes. What are you doing with your life? You can live off other people's money. What will you do with your own dimes? Have you saved your nickels and quarters? A penny for your thoughts. That's all that they are worth. What will you do with your time?

You're just a snake- and you are too fake.
Your venom is so evil and cruel.
But even I know what to do- 
And that is to repeatedly ignore you.

What will you do with the venom inside?

The devil feeds off your laziness.
The evil builds in your consciousness.
You lack of self control.
You're mouth knows no bounds.
Your venom is all you own.
You are all alone.

OMG I just can't!
Omg I just can't with you.
I know what to do and that is ignore you.

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