Too Late

How can you be so strict and selfish and only care about yourself and your appearance to others when you don't care about your family? You leave people starving and without their funds and their money? You are only consumed with what is best for you? You leave others in the dust and alone only to amuse themselves with nothing at their hands and feet? You! 
It's always about you! And never for anyone else! You only care for yourself! You give nothing to anyone. You won't even let them have their own things.
And when they want to separate themselves from you- you only consider what it means for you rather than their happiness. You are a controlling and abismal stress on my head. I don't need this any more. I don't need you anymore. 
I can't wait to part from you and all that you have allowed to happen to me. And when it's not convenient for you- you beat and strike me. You should be amused by this. That I'm confused and angry and bitter. But I still hold out for hope. That one day I will be alone. By then I'll be too tired and soggy to do for myself. But I'll be alone. And I won't need your permission to talk or laugh or buy an icon or bracelet with the tears of the Virgin Mother. I'll be alone. And I won't depend on an another human being. You don't care what it's like to be me. You are only consumed with what people say and you live your life according to what they claim is right for you. I'd rather not listen to Idiocracy and morons who have never lived a life. Not one of pleasure or leisure or hard work or have ever gone through strife and struggle.
I don't live life in a bubble and my life is not a lie. I don't live life to amuse you and I'm not an old creepy weird guy. You are mess. And as soon as I'm rid of you I will forget my traumas. I will forget drama and this comedy of fools. I will be resilient and hope to swim in a swimming pool. And splash rose or cucumber water on my tired sagging face. I will emote. And I will be elated. I will celebrate your loss from my life. I will do this before it is too late.

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