The garden of life

We are ever in bloom in this garden of life.
Growing and changing and reaching our peak. Golden moments and stolen moments. What is done is done. Finding our colors. Shedding our skin. What is sin? We are all powered by God above. We are even powered by the sun. We are seeds in dark soil. We all are eventually- Waiting for our time to be full and nourished. To be in full bloom. I wish this for you. This full extension. This full expression. Of who you really are. You’re unlimited brilliance & color. And the Heavenly presence of God in your life. And to let go of all things sour that hourly bother you. Let nothing stop you from flowering fully my love. We need waters from skies above and not only when it rains. We need to feed off the water from humble hand and discipline ourselves in His reign to be totally free. That is my constitution. That is my belief. This is the garden of life. And I will not say there will be no.struggle or no strife. But it is sink or swim in all of our lifetimes. There is no cultural atache to hope and dreams. There is no place I'd rather be than be in this garden. Overwrought and melancholy honey dripping from me. As I write this time. This is the garden of life. This is home to me.

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