Life is a circle

Been to paradise 
It's sinful
Been to stormy times 
In the past
Been to the future
And got presents 
For my presence and my present
And presently I am sinful
I'm gonna be going down for you
Where it burns 
So very true
It's useful elegy
Where I have many friends
Where I will be eaten alive
Through the light and dark wasted times
Through the hole in the floor
On pavement steps where I spent my time
Climbing social circles
And trust me 
Life is a circle
I prayed to you only one time
And you've come to collect 
What isn't mine
I never gave you my soul
But you've come for more
I will never know 
What drew you to me
You thought I was weak
But I'm not Joan of Arc or crusader
I have been trying my best to savor life
And I guess it's not enough
You'll be taking what's mine 

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