I am American

To be locked in light 
Withering in the cold
To be in my mind's eye
And have faith in your song

To be in the company of your son
Whether I am lonely or only comfortable
Whether you are strongly holding on to me
I am holding on to the idea of you

The very notion and presence of you
Makes me filled with solid gold soul
And harmony 
Melodic melodies and stories, spirits,
And songs of fulfillment

And I don't feel alone with you
Like a fetus in a womb
As I grow and age another day
I feel whole and as outrageous as I am
I feel wholesome, too

Like a color in a splashy rainbow
There is a unity that bleeds from one 
To another color and spreads 
Across the sky and land
And that is truly solely American 
And for that it's which it stands 
Although we are sometimes divided
Separated and quartered
Maya Angelou will appear 
On my new quarters

And in my quarters 
And comfy surroundings
I am going to new limits
By using my heart and mind
To my new discoveries 
And my new findings

I feel whole and complete
With my solid gold soul
And you by my side
I've retreated inside myself
And I no longer look to hide

Whether it's an elephant or donkey
That walks a few miles 
To the steps of the monument
We must celebrate
That they took this journey

And that is what is truly American 
That is ultimately a journey together
That we all take
One step at a time
Whether you align yourself to the elephant
Or the donkey

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