Honest Little Truth

Trust me- I'm trying.
I'm not like this all the time.
Please me- I'm crying.
I need you to have faith in me.
I'm not like this all the time.
Kiss me- I'm dying.
I provoke things and sigh.
I need you to believe what I say.
I'm not like this all the time.
I can be so demanding.
And lack full understanding.
Of matter far beyond me.
But sometimes I succeed and accomplish;
And achieve brilliance;
But I'm not like this all the time.
In the event of this brilliance;
Simply ignore me.
For I don't know what I'd do.
It's my honest little truth.
I'm not like this all the time.
And all I have is you...
Don't know if that's enough for me.
But I feel your presence with me.
I'm not like like this all the time.

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