My Catharsis

As I recall/ in my memory/ I would fall so many times/ in my journey/ to Galilee/
And the holy land/ I take my foot/ Infront of the other/ I drag my feet/ I have no use for excitement/ I am so excited/ I'm running/ I am rushing/ to a catharsis/ and I stop/ and let it happen to me/ I wait for a sign from my master/ I have done so many things/ but maybe there is hope for me/
From Abraham to Jehovah to Issac/ to Mohammed and Rumi/ to inshallah/ and amen/ dradle dradle/ and the cradle of civilization/ to Afrique- the only continent/
I wait for my catharsis/ From Mary and Fatima/ and Reem/ and Mustafa/ to Jason and Joseph and Jesus/ To David and Adin/ and refugees/ to Damascus to Gaza/ and Israel and Palestine/ to Rome and Milan/ And Greece and Miami/ California is not for me/ Hollywood maybe/ I'm waiting for my catharsis/ But I don't know if it will come to me/ God help me/ I don't have angel wings/
God help me/ I don't know if you will come to me.

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