Be Christ- Like

Let us become like Christ, 
Since Christ became like us. 
Let us become gods for His sake, 
Since he for ours became man.
So that we can understand;
The plight of man through His eyes.
He assumed the worse; He became poor,
He was dishonored. He died to save us;
He resurrected. And shared his teachings;
With the world. To save us. He is God's 
True Son. As we all are God's creation.
He liberated us from the depths of sin to heavenly salvation. And to what you say of this- You turn a blinds eye. And that makes me sick. He is one of us. This is the moral;
Of this story, and the purpose you ought; To flick those labels off your lapels that resemble pins- So you can experience the world- For what it is. Be Christ- like. And this is not a warning just a suggestion for all of us. As everything is what it is to you and me. Jesus Christ died for all of us.
He is our brother if you could see.
While we weep with our nations in mourning. And to feel a more glorious morning and jovial evenings. Where we can learn everyday; that everything has meaning. We all are born. Live, Love, Cry and Die inevitably. Only to reach higher plains of existence in the ethos. Or in the atmosphere. We are scholars if we find no trauma by our teachings. We are mere pupils if we only get mad and angry and violent by our clear differences. Be Christ- like and learn everything, and everyone has purpose and meaning.

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