Be Brave

Many people here think that pushing yourself to come close to death or die is performance art if that was the case I would have been canonized as a saint and an angel. I'd be the biggest star with a foundation of my own. But that is lie.
My story has yet to be told or spread from ear to mouth and hand to finger. But thoughts of suicide always do linger. And I'm here to tell you that there is nothing artful about taking your own life. To be consumed by pain and worry and struggle and life. Life is a series of lessons and they can be quite beautiful but I have no time for fakers and "artists" , who think they are elite. I'm not that pompous. I'm not an elitist. I say it and hear me speak.
Feel the heat of my breath on your neck.
Telling you that it doesn't pay to acquire fame in this game of life and death. If you take it in your own hands you are not an artist. You simply can't stand life. You might even be a coward because you couldn't face your choices and decisions and in time it hurts. You will leave many people weeping. A loss is a loss to even those that you thought were sleeping and unaware of you. Be brave and face life that is all we can do.

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