Radio Silence

Its oh so quiet/ radio silence
No I will not turn on the T.V.
I'm not missing anything at all
I've got this constant craving 
For chaos and anarchic disorder
When will you return to me
The sportscaster on the news 
has a big bulge and erection 
Over the meaty mediocre rookie
While I am the MVP
Like the bleeps and blurbs in my ear
And the whirls on my tongue
Like the streams of the billowing sea
I'm not Moses or Jesus 
They did not part for me
I've got this constant craving
You belong to me
Let us bask in her glory
Let us sing the national anthem
And rests our heads together
With our hands on our hearts
And wake in bed to chaos on Wall Street
Waiting for the battle to begin
Count our finances & our currency
Share a pancake recipe
My wet dreams are replaced
By coupon clipping fantasies
Oh this life -I had hair back then
Oh what might have been
It's oh so quiet -I'm bald now
I am not so down but I still have days
Where I crave chaos and anarchy
Radio Silence -You belong to me

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