Perfect pretty blue

Perfect pretty blue
I can't take my eyes off of you 
Who knew we were so abused
I say that it's time to retire from music
And pursue our new career in acting
But angels follow me and us
Their deaths are really always haunting me
If you could feel what I feel
If you could see what my eyes see
If you could feel what my heart feels
If you could see what my eyes don't want to see....
Their deaths are always haunting me...
If it was not murder and so gruesome 
Such a ghoulish circumstance 
I'd have the stomach to continue 
With my ambitions and my fancy plans
I see perfect pretty blue
I want it to envelop me
And sink me down to the sea
Where I become a sea shell 
With seaweed covering me
The plant and animal life hover around me
It's so surreal
I can't help from feeling..
Perfect pretty blue
Oh my angel, Mima
I feel so....
Perfect pretty blue

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