Oh devil go away

Oh how you bring me down today
Oh how you want me to sink that low
Oh how you wonder why I don't confront u
Oh how you really try to break my soul
Oh I won't run away
Oh I will not say the words 
You long for me to say
Oh I'm not a mannequin
Or inanimate object
I am adamant
I won't pray to you
You will not have your way
I don't believe in you
Devil - Go away! 
You will not have your way!
You will not make me just like you!
You have no control or power!
You are just the evil I don't feel in heart!
I believe in Jesus and Love! 
I believe you will never break 
The connection I feel to God
Oh Devil- Go Away!
Take your voices with you
And don't come back another day.

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