Note from the Author: Stay Tuned!

Hello! I know I have a biography on the blog and my picture. I know I share my queries pondries reveling reservations and attitudes and likes and dislikes with you.
I do it truly to help myself. And hopefully to help you as well. I have overcome many things. I started with "Angel" and finished ( so far with "Full of Life"). I have grown as a poet or writer and diarist. I also paint and draw. And take weird selfies and make unsual amateur videos. I have done make up and photography. I have done performance art. And still nobody knows me. I'm happy with that. I can still share my voice. And I'm truly content. My life is changing and I'm taking a break from everything. I still have my faith in God.
But I also have a sense of humor. I'm a real human being. And I want to take my time till my next release of creativity. I know you may or may not have demands. But I hope you understand. I don't know what for shape it will take. But I have been thinking. I need to rest for a while... And truly amaze myself and giggle and laugh and just simply revel at all of God's creations. And also craft fiction. I am way too personal, which I admire about my self. But I also want to challenge my myself. And I want to continue living. Thank you. Always remember to be kind to others. And hold on to good vibes and energy. Stay Tuned for more from me. It will be worth it.
It will be different than anything I've done before. The journal entries are newest to oldest so you can see my beginning and my end. Till then farewell my friends.
Let's meet up here sometime again.

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