Menthol Cigarette

I need to have a menthol cigarette.
It may seem passé and you're probably
Blazé to this and smoke your marijuana.
I've smoked some of that too in a honey 
Rolled blunt. If I may be blunt I'd rather have my menthol cigarette. It may crystalize my lungs and cause paralysis.
But I'd rather have my menthol cigarette.
I'd soothes my heart and my mind.
And in time I've found a little clarity.
Although; it's an addiction- in addition to my many others. I need my menthol cigarettes. What a lovely way to burn 
And sizzle and crackle fire. Sometimes I feel like I may start a fire. If I'm not too careful I can end up real sick. But I'm happy as long as I have my menthol cigarette.

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