Love Drunk or Love Starved

I don't know if I'm love drunk/
Or love starved/ I look to the sky up above/
And count the many stars/ My eyes/
Go into the ocean/ Where I once belonged/ I can't get passed the velvet rope/ The rope burn/ Left me a scar/ 
How come/ Why didn't you know it/
Why don't you sit a while/ And get to know me/ We can get together/ We can some plans/ But you'll just ignore me/ You never understand/ I'm love drunk or love starved/ Don't speak the words/ I've longed to hear/ Don't haunt my memories/ of me holding you near/ I do love you but I hate you/ I'm saying this sweetly/ Get away from here/ Get away from me/ Get away/ Get away from here. I'll just scare you anyway/ Love drunk or starved/ will change however the wind blows....

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