Join me

The choir book is changing...
The church bells are rearranging...
The constant craving of release....
The winds of change blowing thru me...
The see thru lipgloss of girl...
The innocence of the world...
The hunger of child...
All blow me away...
I begin to fly and sway...
I wish to go higher, someday...
The holy Ghost has me wide open...
Didn't you know it....
I've got a feeling I've got something to say.
I feel it my soul to the soles of my feet....
I feel it through my body...
Like an electrical charge....
I got from some automotive car fleet...
I hear the trash can banging...
And I see the trash on the streets...
I see the kids gang banging...
I see the misery...
I see the mystery of life...
But I'm no mystery....
I wear my heart on my sleeve...
I see a woman persecuted...
Just like one before...
Before it is crucifixion time....
We must elevate ourselves on the inside...
I got something to say.. won't you join me.
It is the job of the church to change..
With every new upcoming day...
I will not let go of hope to fly someday...

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