I heard

The music calls to me; a brilliant, fantastic melody/ Its the rhythmic sound of music to me; that, I hear; And keeps me living to next day; I believe, I that will sing in a joyous ecstasy; It's a choir of heavenly angels; Don't give in to the danger of your anger; I'm still weeping on the streets, And I see the janitor; start to dance; while he is cleaning the floor; but you what more; 
Why can't you believe and see; the true miracle in every thing; why can't accept love? What are you afraid of? Why must we choose to be numb from the neck up?
I'm just fed! You say/ you're sorry/ And I have to go/ and I think/ that you really/ got to know/ When will you wake up/ The alarm is ringing/ And the angels singing/
To me/ It's the call of the music and voices/ I heard before/ And now I'm weeping on the streets.

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