Forgive me Gerald

I forgive you Gerald for lying to me
I didn't know that you were married 
Or well connected
I knew you had a fetish and wanted 
To make me a meal of chicken and beef
With peppers and Italian wine
And while I blacked out I saw visions 
Of the American flag
And monsterous animal face masks
I woke with blood stains 
I had flashes of black leather dentist chair
And I saw a chainsaw and a drill
Leather whips
And chains, paddles and gags,
And I was dripping in blood
Should I laugh
Should I cry
Please forgive me if I've ruined you
Now I don't meet up with strangers & guys
What else was I supposed to think
When you responded so rudely
To my question
If someone was raped
Should I forget my bruises
But I say that's in the past
I truly forgive you and even pray for you
That you will even forgive me
For allowing you to scare me 
You didn't take my body
It doesn't belong to you
It doesn't belong to me 
I should have never left my buddy
My partner and lover alone that night 
To cruise the scene
And heaven knows I'm wrong
But now you wouldn't scare me
Forgive me, Gerald
I won't speak of this again
You get what you ask for
And I can't forget that gesture with ur hand
As if it's okay to do such a thing
Like it's my fault
How do you function
Because sometimes I lose my breath
As if I'm suffocating
And sometimes I feel I'm close to death
But I'm alive
I'm just staying alive
Anyway forgive me 
And this time this apology
Comes with no strings or cost
It's just so I can get some sleep

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